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Update Field

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What is "Update Field" Hook about?

✍ This documentation is currently work-in-progress.


The update-field-hook chart can be deployed via helm:

# Install HelmChart (use -n to configure another namespace)
helm upgrade --install update-field-hook secureCodeBox/update-field-hook


Kubernetes: >=v1.11.0-0

Additional Chart Configurations

Installing the Update Field hook will add a ReadAndWrite Hook to your namespace, which can be used to add or update fields from your findings.

helm upgrade --install ufh secureCodeBox/update-field-hook --set"category" --set attribute.value="my-own-category"

✍ This documentation is currently work-in-progress.


attribute.namestring"category"The name of the attribute you want to add to each finding result
attribute.valuestring"my-own-category"The value of the attribute you want to add to each finding result
hook.affinityobject{}Optional affinity settings that control how the hook job is scheduled (see:
hook.image.repositorystring""Hook image repository
hook.image.tagstringdefaults to the charts versionThe image Tag defaults to the charts version if not defined.
hook.labelsobject{}Add Kubernetes Labels to the hook definition
hook.priorityint0Hook priority. Higher priority Hooks are guaranteed to execute before low priority Hooks.
hook.tolerationslist[]Optional tolerations settings that control how the hook job is scheduled (see:
hook.ttlSecondsAfterFinishedstringnilSeconds after which the kubernetes job for the hook will be deleted. Requires the Kubernetes TTLAfterFinished controller:



Code of secureCodeBox is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.